Wednesday 31 May 2017

5 Useful Tips to Complete PhD on Time

A Doctoral of Philosophy Degree (PhD) is the highest degree level of achievement and highly sought after, especially for those in the academic or research line. However, journey towards the completion of PhD is very challenging, especially for those PhD students who already have commitment with their family and sponsorship organization.
 Despite of all the challenges, to taste the sweetness of wearing mortar board during your convocation and your thought is being recognized by others, is what I believe every PhD students dream of. Thus, let us see several useful tips for doctoral accomplishment strategy.

1. Determination.
You have been bombarded with all types of confusing question which you do not how to answer it at all. Some of the examples are such as 'what theory do you use to support your framework?, what is your theoretical contribution?.' For a research newbie, that question makes think hundreds time whether you can complete PhD within the time frame given, or not?. So, if you are currently faced with his dilemma, sit down and think positive. Imagine the sweetness of wearing mortar board during your convocation. Then, put your 200 percent effort to complete your PhD on time.

2. Socialization.
Some may say that doing PhD is a lonely journey, but not for all. You can add networking with friends all over the world during PhD study. Besides, you can even discuss about PhD research with them. By doing that, you can get feedback from them. These feedback can open up your mind about your PhD research. When you do your PhD, we do not realize about the loophole in your research. So, these networking will be able to detect loopholes in the research. That is the real power of socialization.

3. Work Smart.
You may spend a month or more, searching for those key articles. But then, you may consider of several shortcuts in order to get this key article. For example, instead of searching the key article from search engines, search for the author email address from the search engine. Then, send email directly to the author to request all relevant articles from him/her. Simple and fast, right?

4. Discipline.
Create a study plan to help you accomplish your PhD on time. Once you already have the study plan, strictly follow it. The study plan act as a promise that you make to yourself. So, if you set one year to complete your proposal defense, then make sure you complete your proposal defense exactly in one year.

5. Relax and Have Fun.
If you are stuck, do not have any idea to write your thesis, then that is the right time for you to relax. Do not force yourself. Go out from your study room. For example, take some fresh air by walking at the seashore to release stress. After that, you will definitely get lots of ideas to write for your PhD thesis. Remember, do not feel guilty to relax and have fun during your PhD.

So, having said all that, determination, socialization, work smart, discipline and relax will guarantee you to complete your PhD on time. Good Luck!!!
A Doctoral of Philosophy Degree (PhD) is the highest degree level of achievement and highly sought after, especially for those in the academic or research line. However, journey towards the completion of PhD is very challenging, especially for those PhD students who already have commitment with their family and sponsorship organization. Despite of all the challenges, to taste the sweetness of wearing mortar board during your convocation and your thought is being recognized by others, is what I believe every PhD students dream of. Thus, let us see several useful tips for doctoral accomplishment strategy.
1. Determination.
During the first meeting with my thesis supervisor, I have been bombarded with all types of confusing question which I do not how to answer it at all. Some of the examples are such as 'what theory do you use to support your framework?, what is your theoretical contribution?.' For a research newbie like me, that question makes me think hundreds time whether I can complete my PhD within the time frame given, or not?. So, if you are currently faced with his dilemma, sit down and think positive. Imagine the sweetness of wearing mortar board during your convocation. Then, put your 200 percent effort to complete your PhD on time.
2. Socialization.
Some may say that doing PhD is a lonely journey, but not for me. I have add my networking with friends all over the world during my PhD study. Besides, I have even discussed about my PhD research with them. By doing that, I can get feedback from them. These feedback had opened up my mind about my PhD research. When we do our PhD, we do not realize about the loophole in our research. So, these networking will be able to detect loopholes in the research. That is the real power of socialization.
3. Work Smart.
You may spend a month or more, searching for those key articles. But then, you may consider of several shortcuts in order to get this key article. For example, instead of searching the key article from search engines, search for the author email address from the search engine. Then, send email directly to the author to request all relevant articles from him/her. Simple and fast, right?
4. Discipline.
Create a study plan to help you accomplish your PhD on time. Once you already have the study plan, strictly follow it. The study plan act as a promise that you make to yourself. So, if you set one year to complete your proposal defense, then make sure you complete your proposal defense exactly in one year.
5. Relax and Have Fun.
If you are stuck, do not have any idea to write your thesis, then that is the right time for you to relax. Do not force yourself. Go out from your study room. For example, take some fresh air by walking at the seashore to release stress. After that, you will definitely get lots of ideas to write for your PhD thesis. Remember, do not feel guilty to relax and have fun during your PhD.
So, having said all that, determination, socialization, work smart, discipline and relax will guarantee you to complete your PhD on time. Good Luck!!!

Article Source:

Tuesday 30 May 2017

Career Guidance and Training in One Roof - PhDiZone

Choosing the right career can be a very daunting task. There is an array of paths we can choose from and your career can make or break you. Thus it is important to make the right choice. As the old adage goes, "do something you love and you will never work a day in your life."

This is where career guidance comes in. You don't have to be a fresh graduate to seek career guidance. Even if you are looking to change careers, enrolling in the right courses and colleges or speaking to the right people will help.

What is Career Guidance?
Career guidance refers to "the services and activities intended to assist individuals of any age and at any point throughout their lives, to make educational, training and occupational choices and to manage their careers." These services can be found in schools, universities and colleges as well as training institutions.

An Informed Choice is Better than an Uninformed Choice :
This may seem obvious enough but do you know how to make an informed choice? Suppose you've been a lawyer for the past 20 years but all you've ever wanted to be is a hairdresser. Where do you go from here? What is the best way to make a midlife career change? Which accounting school should you go to and would it be worthwhile to do an apprenticeship? These are all valid questions that need to be answered.

Firstly, education and training play an important role in getting you the right job for your chosen field, whether you are looking to change careers or are fresh out of school. Education is the stepping-stone and the pre-requisite for choosing your dream career. The right qualifications will open doors for you.

Secondly, career guidance can help you select the courses suitable for you. For some careers, a Bachelor's degree is enough while a PhD is required for others. The choice of university is vital as well and believe it or not, there are different university pathways you can choose from.

Whether you're looking for a new career or a career change, career guidance can lend a hand in making this process easier by helping you:
  •     Learn more about yourself
  •     Identify your unique skills and strengths
  •     Pursue the right courses in the right colleges
  •     Make decisions on your career direction
  •     Gain valuable advice on changing careers
  •     Match your personality and interests with careers
  •     Increase your earning capacity
Now that you are aware of the importance of career guidance, you should begin your search for a school or college that will provide the guidance you need. There are a variety of institutes for you to choose from. A good school will offer the following:
  •     Adequate and accurate career information
  •     Assessment and self-assessment tools
  •     Counseling interviews
  •     Career education programs
  •     Career management skills
  •     Work search programs
Choosing a career can be ranked among the most important decisions you will make in your lifetime. It is a decision that should be given due consideration and importance. Fortunately, help is available in the form of career guidance to help make this transition a smooth one.