Tuesday 6 June 2017

Checklist for Dissertations and Thesis

Before submitting your dissertation or thesis, you should check your work carefully for errors and omissions. This list tells you what to look for when you check your thesis or dissertation.

  • Does the abstract reflect the structure of the dissertation or thesis?
  • Does the abstract summarize the appropriate sections clearly and more efficiently?
  • Does the introduction help the reader to understand how your research fits into a wider area of study?
  • Does the introduction provide information about the aims and objectives of your research?
  • Does the literature review demonstrate that you are familiar with the literature relevant to your study?
  • Are citations arranged in a way that is appropriate to your topic?
  • Does the discussion section consider the findings of existing research?
  • Do you state your position towards the findings by using explanations and applications?
  • Are all conclusions drawn from the findings and supported by evidence?
  • Are all appendices referred to in the text?
  • Is the transition between sections and subsections managed smoothly?
  • Is there sufficient but not excessive detail in each of the main sections?
You need to check your work carefully before submitting your dissertation or thesis. This checklist provides further information on you what to look for when you check your thesis or dissertation.

  • Is the language clear and appropriate in style?
  • Is unnecessary complexity avoided?
  • Are unfamiliar terms defined?
  • Are sentences connected smoothly?
  • Do some sentences need to be combined or divided?
  • Is vocabulary used accurately?
  • Do subjects and verbs agree in person and number?
  • Is your writing grammatically correct?

Are illustrations such as tables, figures, or drawings completely numbered, named, and referenced in the text?

  • Are headings and sub-headings formatted correctly?
  • Is the reference list in style approved by your department?
  • Is each entry complete?
  • Does each entry follow established conventions?
  • Is punctuation used correctly within and at the end of sentences?
  • Are capital letters uses when they are needed?
  • Have you checked spelling?

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