Saturday 30 September 2017

Common PhD Myths

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There are many myths surrounding PhDs and the reasons and advantages of doing one – here we dispel those myths and give you some real insight into what doing a PhD really means!

PhD = Intelligence

Albert Einstein, Steven Hawking, Niels Bohr… many of the people whose names are synonymous with the word genius were also PhD graduates. This creates an impression that the majority of PhD students are at least highly intelligent if not geniuses. However, the reality is somewhat different.  The prime quality of a successful PhD student is Intelligence, not INTELLIGENCE! After all, if you have done well enough in your masters to get accepted to a PhD program, you are undoubtedly intelligent enough to succeed! The rest is hard work and inspiration.

A doctorate is a chance to invent GREAT IDEAS and reveal your brilliance

It is true that many people with a PhD title next to their name go on to invent world changing ideas. But how many of them actually came up with these ideas during their PhD studies? Probably none! The purpose of a PhD program is to enhance your research skills and turn you into a successful researcher. Even if you think that a PhD is all about greatness, working on an overambitious idea will in most cases not make you brilliant in the eyes of your supervisor and the examiners. Instead, it will make you look like a bad planner who is out of touch with reality. The opportunity to reveal your brilliance to the world will come! But you need to be patient and wait until you get a stable academic position.
 A masterpiece PhD dissertation is enough to ensure academic career
It is not an exaggeration to say that many PhDstudents who want to remain in academia regard their dissertation as a personal masterpiece that will open the door of the academic world for them. Indeed, having a high-quality dissertation that contains strong publication material is always an asset. However, this asset is just one piece of the jigsaw, and entering an academic career requires much more than a “masterpiece” dissertation. Making CONNECTIONS with other researchers in your field, attending academic conferences, and working hard to produce a few PUBLICATIONS during your PhD studies will complete the jigsaw and make you a “winner”! 

Grades do matter

In some countries, PhD students are graded for their work and these grades may be important for their future job prospects.  However, this is not the case in the UK. In the UK you can only PASS or FAIL, the rest is up to you.

Your PhD thesis should include “Something that no one has ever done before”

What does it mean to do “Something that no one has ever done before”? Does it mean to invent a new theory of relativity? To construct a flying saucer? If that was the case, then we would be much more developed as a civilization than we are now because each PhD student would bring some significant discovery to the world. However, to do “Something that no one has ever done before” means something else in the language of academics. It means to do a very small alteration to something that has previously been done and contribute a “small advancement” to an already established idea. Well, even if this sounds a bit disillusioning, you shouldn’t be disappointed. Research is, unlike art, a team effort, and small alterations to established ideas can be catalysts for huge discoveries in the future. This means that even your “small advancement” to an already established idea can later inspire someone else in making a groundbreaking discovery, or serve you as the basis for your own invention! Therefore, PhD students are important contributors to their research field, and without their passion the world of research they would lack the energy to achieve new heights.

Friday 29 September 2017

Reasons to work towards phd

Embarking on a PhD is a big decision But some very good reason for doing phd’s are:
To achieve something significant:
Those who have ambitions to make money should become entrepreneurs. But if you are ambitious in that you wish to challenge yourself, push yourself to new heights or achieve a difficult goal, then a doctorate may be for you.
Enjoying the academic environment. If you suspect that you may enjoy the academic environment (intellectual stimulation, flexible working hours, mixture of lab and office work), chances are that you will. Of course, doing a PhD can be pretty tough, lonely, and frustrating at times (don’t panic, there will be plenty of advice and support even during the all-too-famous second-year blues!), but ultimately the freedom and challenges that come with working in an academic environment may just make up for everything else.

It fits you

Some people are made for a doctorate. You might have grown up doing countless little 'research projects' as hobbies. You might have a natural thirst for knowledge or an insatiable appetite for reading books about a particular topic. You might have had a life-long fascination - even obsession - about something significant. If this sounds like you, and you can tailor a doctorate to suit your particular needs, then you'll love it.
You have a desire to invent
Here I am pointing at the result – the invention. APhD is one of the best ways to have intellectual freedom to invent things you are passionate about. I have been fortunate to have had this opportunity several times and trust me, it’s an awesome feeling. If you are lucky, you invent something so critical that the marketplace licenses it from you and your impact translates from lab to the ‘real world.’ While this does not always happen, having the desire to produce is instrumental in having a successful Ph

To improve yourself and your life
Doing a PhD for the sake of a pay rise is not a good reason. But if you want to improve your abilities to understand and solve problems, increase your confidence, make yourself a better communicator and gain skills that may lead to a better job, then a doctorate may be right for you.
The incentive to show.
Another motivating factor is the desire to be a leader, to be the best in the world in what to know, to have the best understanding of what you know. The inspiration comes from within. If you ever wanted to let the world know what you understand then a doctorate is the best choice. Research helps you publish your work and people come to read it and know your quality.

Saturday 23 September 2017

Steps for converting your PhD thesis into journal articles

For young researchers, the strain to distribute is enormous. To build up their validity in the science group, it is basic for postdoctoral researchers to have no less than a couple of publications to their name. To add to their troubles, most new researchers think that it’s overwhelming to compose articles for publication and regularly wind up attempting to try and concoct an exploration question.
One great approach to begin distributing articles not long after your PhD is to return to the material you have accumulated amid your doctoral research. Not at all like an ace's proposition, has a doctoral theory or paper included unique research. Most PhD understudies put a very long time in gathering and investigating information and composing their exposition. For what reason not make ideal utilization of this material and change over your proposal into at least one journal articles? Aside from being the least demanding and most sensible subsequent stage toward your first publication, there are many advantages of making journal papers from your finished postulation. These incorporate vocation upgrade, individual fulfillment, and a more extensive effort that enables you to contribute all the more fundamentally to your field.
A few authors are worried that journals won't not acknowledge content that has just been distributed as a thesis or paper, or that submitting such articles to a journal may be viewed as self-counterfeiting or copy accommodation or prompt copyright issues. While this is field and case particular, when all is said in done, journals are not against distributing articles that have been distributed as thesis somewhere else. There are a few explanations behind this.
The essential motivation behind why most editors acknowledge such articles is that thesis or dissertations are customarily distributed by college presses, with a couple of duplicates printed for inside flow. Since these are not broadly flowed, distributing a journal article is a decent approach to make the examination open to the science group. Be that as it may, there are a few special cases where the thesis is distributed by an academic publisher and made accessible on the web. A few journals may have an issue with this. In such cases, it is desirable over distribute the journal article before the thesis is distributed. Be that as it may, if your thesis has just been distributed by an academic publisher, you ought to inform the journal editor about this before presenting your article, and look for his/her direction.
Furthermore, not at all like journal articles that expect authors to exchange copyright to the journal before publication, the copyright for a thesis for the most part stays with the author. In this manner, authors are in fact allowed to reuse the substance from a thesis or exposition, and the subject of copyright rupture is precluded. Obviously, you should ensure that you incorporate a copyright page in your paper and get your copyright enrolled.
Also, a thesis and a journal article are totally extraordinary as far as general approach and format. To change over a thesis/paper into a journal article, it must be modified and refined. More frequently, a journal article is made in view of a portion or a part of a thesis, and now and again, various articles can be distributed in light of various thesis sections. The journal article experiences advance modifications amid peer survey, which makes it generously not quite the same as the thesis, in this way taking care of the issue of duplication. Charges of self-plagiarism can be kept away from by referring to the thesis/exposition in the journal paper, and utilizing piece cites wherever content has been duplicated verbatim.
Most importantly, you ought to inform the editor at the season of accommodation that your article depends on your thesis, say when and where it has been distributed, and express your readiness to give a duplicate if required. Being transparent with the editor is dependably favorable position as he or she will then have the capacity to manage you and recommend approaches to maintain a strategic distance from any moral glitches that you may be ignorant of.
This article will be trailed by another that discloses how to really re-frame a thesis or paper into one or more journal articles.