Friday 29 September 2017

Reasons to work towards phd

Embarking on a PhD is a big decision But some very good reason for doing phd’s are:
To achieve something significant:
Those who have ambitions to make money should become entrepreneurs. But if you are ambitious in that you wish to challenge yourself, push yourself to new heights or achieve a difficult goal, then a doctorate may be for you.
Enjoying the academic environment. If you suspect that you may enjoy the academic environment (intellectual stimulation, flexible working hours, mixture of lab and office work), chances are that you will. Of course, doing a PhD can be pretty tough, lonely, and frustrating at times (don’t panic, there will be plenty of advice and support even during the all-too-famous second-year blues!), but ultimately the freedom and challenges that come with working in an academic environment may just make up for everything else.

It fits you

Some people are made for a doctorate. You might have grown up doing countless little 'research projects' as hobbies. You might have a natural thirst for knowledge or an insatiable appetite for reading books about a particular topic. You might have had a life-long fascination - even obsession - about something significant. If this sounds like you, and you can tailor a doctorate to suit your particular needs, then you'll love it.
You have a desire to invent
Here I am pointing at the result – the invention. APhD is one of the best ways to have intellectual freedom to invent things you are passionate about. I have been fortunate to have had this opportunity several times and trust me, it’s an awesome feeling. If you are lucky, you invent something so critical that the marketplace licenses it from you and your impact translates from lab to the ‘real world.’ While this does not always happen, having the desire to produce is instrumental in having a successful Ph

To improve yourself and your life
Doing a PhD for the sake of a pay rise is not a good reason. But if you want to improve your abilities to understand and solve problems, increase your confidence, make yourself a better communicator and gain skills that may lead to a better job, then a doctorate may be right for you.
The incentive to show.
Another motivating factor is the desire to be a leader, to be the best in the world in what to know, to have the best understanding of what you know. The inspiration comes from within. If you ever wanted to let the world know what you understand then a doctorate is the best choice. Research helps you publish your work and people come to read it and know your quality.

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