A Doctoral of Philosophy Degree (PhD) is the most acclaimed, widely sought after, and the highest degree of achievement in the academic and research field. However, the journey towards completion of PhD can be a really taxing one. It involves lots of resource, research and dedication. But it’s totally worth it.

So, you are a PhD research scholar who’s engaged on the arduous task of crafting a perfect thesis for your PhD. It’s eluded you for so long, you write and rewrite your thesis a million times and yet you can’t seem to finalize it. Something is missing and it’s pushing you toward the verge of losing your rationality. 

Let’s be honest here, thesis writing is a long process. Finding time to write one on a tight schedule can be exhausting. Even more so when there is pile of work pending already. Such hectic schedule may lead to inability in focus and concentration. While this may seem unbearable, that is not the case.
Apply the following 10 Step Methodology while crafting your analytical yet expository thesis to come up with a perfect one for your research.

1. Identification of the Thesis Topic

The first step is to identify the suitable topic for your topic because it is going to be the face of your thesis. A good title will catch the attention of the reader and pique to read further. After the exact titled has been zeroed in, set a deadline to finish your thesis. Otherwise writing can go on for literally forever.

2. Drawing on an Efficient Outline for Your Literature Review

In order to structure your thesis, mapping an outline for your literature review is mandatory. The main component of your literature review is sourcing various resources you have researched for the process.

3. Clearly Defining the Involved Research Methodology

A clear definition will justify the intention of the research and the various methodologies involved. It addresses the basic questions like what is the research project about. Why it is important to conduct the research? And how you are planning to go on about conducting it? And so.

4. Proper Division of Sections

The thesis must be segregated into sections with suitable topics to increase the readability and originality. This also makes easier for the reader to quote or refer certain aspects of your thesis without much effort and hassle.

5. Clear Research Question Statement

You must state very clearly what you will be studying in this research project. You should make sure that your statement is easily understandable even by a person who isn’t majoring in the same field as you are.

6. Project Goal and Objectives

When writing out your PhD thesis, it is important that you clearly indicate the goals and objectives of the research project. People often confuse themselves over the two and think that they are the same and redundant.

7. Work Plan

The thesis should include a work plan that suits your academic discipline. A work plan is basically the methodology that you wish to complete your research. It can comprise of research, questionnaires, experiments, etc.

8. Project Timeline

A timeline is important to be included in your PhD thesis. This is so that you and your supervisor will both know the planned progress of your project. By having a rough idea of what to complete by a certain date, your research project will be smoother and more orderly.

9. Anticipated Results

In this section, you should discuss about the intended outcome of your research and how the information can be used to improve a certain problem. Also you should suggest ways for your findings to be shared and implemented with other researchers.

10. More Customizable Options

While writing your thesis, keep in mind that it should be customizable for future reference and further research purposes. At the end of your thesis, the reader must be left with an insatiable intrigue to know more about your research work.