Tuesday 23 January 2018

PhD Assistance – The Seven Stages of PhD Process

PhD Assistance

Are you a research scholar seeking PhD Assistance from PhD guidance experts? Look no further for you have reached the right place. The quest for PhD is an extensive one. You will have to face lots of roadblocks and obstacles all along the way. Let me elaborate.

Stages of PhD Research Process

  1. First – you have to prepare a research proposal. It should set out the aim and objective of your PhD. The research question you set out to answer, your action plans to achieve it.
  2. Second – comes carrying out a literature review. The aim is to see how other works inform yours. This is where you demonstrate your skills in scholarship.
  3. Third – conducting research and collecting results. Your primary focus here is to invest on your own research question. Carry out organized research and produce results on which you can base your conclusions.
  4. PhD Upgrade – You need to update your as a full doctoral candidates. This usually happens after one year of full time study.
  5. Producing an Original Thesis – Once you’ve confirmed your PhD candidacy, you must begin to finalize your thesis.
  6. Dissertation Writing – You have to produce a final dissertation that demonstrates your thesis and it will be submitted as the basis for your viva voce exam.
  7. Viva Voce Exam – On the final stage, you have to defend your PhD at a viva voce. The primary aim is to establish that the PhD is your own work and you fully understand it’s significance.

PhdiZone Process

All these may seem intimidating, but we got you covered. We at phdizone, can assist you through all stages of the PhD process. With proper assistance, you can become a PhD scholar faster than you think. Best wishes soon to be Doctor!

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