Saturday 8 July 2017

Phd Viva-Voce Tips

The viva voce, or the defense, is the final hurdle in becoming a doctor (of philosophy of course). It is also often the most feared part of completing a PhD, here are top tips for getting through, and maybe even enjoying, your viva.

1) Calm down and breathe.  Working yourself up is only going to make things worse, by stopping you sleeping and making you ill. Find a way to relax, be it yoga, running, meditation or video games; but find something to help you stay calm.

2) Believe in yourself.  You have spent the last few years reading about, writing about and doing your project. You are the expert; you know your stuff, remember that.

3) Go in with a good attitude.  Don’t see the examiners as evil torturers who get kicks out of making you suffer. They want you to pass. However, if you go in thinking that they want you to fail you’ll not only be more scared, you’ll also be more defensive, which isn’t always a good thing. Instead try to think of your examiners as people who are really interested in what you have done and who understand all the problems and pitfalls associated with research.

4) Look presentable.  Years of lab work may have your wardrobe looking a little worse for wear and your idea of smart as wearing a T-shirt without any stains or holes, but you should try to make a proper effort to dress smart on your viva day. Firstly, looking good will help your self-esteem, making you feel more confident. Secondly, it shows the examining committee that you are serious about your PhD and the viva, which of course you are, and you want them to know that too. 

5) Read your thesis.  While you have spent the last several years doing your research and the last however long writing it up, you want to make sure it is fresh in your mind. This is especially true if you have had a long gap between submitting your thesis and the exam. You don’t have to read it once a day every day until your viva, just make sure you go over it a few times before the exam.

6) Know the rules.  Every institution is different; for some you have just two examiners, others you also have a convenor. In some institutions you might need to prepare a talk to present before the. You need to make sure you know what your institution does to ensure you are prepared. One important thing to find out is if you are allowed to bring a copy of your thesis into the exam, and if so, whether you can annotate it.

7) Make a list of your own corrections.  Unless you are perfect, or had your thesis professionally proof read, your thesis is likely to contain many mistakes. After reading it over so many times you often see what you think should be written, instead of what actually is written. Before your exam, take another look over your thesis (preferably after some time away from it, so you’re more fresh). Find all the mistakes, write them down and take them in to your exam. The examiners will be impressed that you did it, and you’ll be less phased by mistakes they highlight. Plus, you could save yourself some time and correct them before the viva, meaning less time spent on corrections afterwards.

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