Thursday 17 August 2017

Facial Detection

Facial detection is the computer application used to identify human faces in digital images. The face can be detected through 2D and 3D images through the location of a person and attention to face in visual scene. Hence the face detection algorithm mainly focuses on detection of human face. This technique is done by matching the image of a person in bit by bit manner. The matched images are stored in a database. Suppose if any of the features were changed in the database then it will automatically invalidate the matching process.

The reliable face detection approach is based on genetic algorithm and eigen-face technique. Some steps are to be followed for the facial detection method. They are as follows.
Step 1: the possible human eyes are detected based on the testing of all valley regions in each gray-level image.
Step 2: the genetic algorithm is used to generate all possible face regions that includes iris, eyebrows, mouth corners, and nostrils.
Step 3: Each possible face is normalized to minimize both shirring effect, and lightning effect. The shirring effect is due to head movement, whereas, lightning effect is caused by uneven illumination.
Step 4: the fitness value of each candidate is measured based on projection over eigen-faces.
      After these iterations, all the face candidates with high value are selected for further verification. And finally, the face symmetry is measured and existence of different facial features are verified for each face candidate.

3D recognition is the newly introduced technique mainly introduced to achieve improved accuracy. This technique uses 3D sensor to capture information about shape of the face. This information is used to identify face from distinct features on the surface of face. 

        The main advantage of 3D is that, it is not affected by changes in lighting other techniques.
                It can be able to identify a face from a range of viewing angles.

   Used to unlock software on mobile devices.  
        Mainly it is used to ensure that only the particular person can able to use certain apps which they choose to secure.

         It is used for security systems say ATMs as a security measure.

It is not reliable and efficient
It is far from perfect and struggle to perform under certain conditions.

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