Tuesday 15 August 2017

Information on Python

          Python is one of the rare programming language, developed in 1980s and first released in 1991 by Guido Van Rossum at National Research Institute for Mathematics and computer Science in Netherlands. This language is named as python after the television series “

Monty Python’s Flying Circus”. It is a derived language from other programming languages like C, C++, Algol-68, UNIX etc. Python is a high-level and object –oriented scripting language which is a simple and easily readable. The syntax construction in python language is much easier and fewer than the other languages since they are not like a strictly structured coding language with braces and conditional symbols. Reading a python code feels good like reading English, because of its pseudo-code like coding nature. Though it is simple it has its own high-level data structure, elegant syntaxes and dynamic typing structure, thus makes it ideal for application development in diverse platforms. The basic features of python language are it is Simple, Open source, Portable, Interpretable, Embedded, Extensible, object –oriented High level language.
Python uses English keywords rather than using the semicolon and curly braces in the syntax structure which makes it simple. It is processed by the interpreters which makes it run the python programs directly at runtime on diverse operating systems. It encapsulates the code within the objects hence making it object-oriented. It supports creating a simple text processing programs to the complex webpage programs. One of the additional feature of python is it holds a bulk standard library which is portable and cross-platform compatible on multiple operating systems. This portable library makes it a suitable for programming many tasks. Python runs in all the commercial databases. It provides a support to large programs and shell scripting. It supports high-level dynamic data types and garbage collection.
Python is an Open source software which can distributed its copies of its software and enables readability of its source code and allows changes to its code to make it a new program. It is community based and hence it faces improvement consistently. Python supports web-applications with the help of the standard internet protocols such as HTTP and MIME. Python programs can be created as a Graphical User Interface with desired design which can be interconnected with the backend relational databases. Python is compatible to Read-Evaluate-Print loop programming which means they are capable of working with the command lines where the user can enter statements to execute and can get the result immediately. Python Enhancement program is process to create and developing and add new features to the python, where the inputs are given by the community. Python being a scripting language is productive while comparing with the conventional languages. Some of the renowned sectors which are using python programming language are Google, Yahoo, Wikipedia, NASA and etc. Reddit which is one of the renowned news network is entirely designed with python. There are few python-inspired languages like Boo, Cobra, CoffeScripit and Swift.

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