Friday 11 August 2017

Stress Management

Stress is what happens when you forget your capability and forget every problem has a solution. Time is one such factor that makes you feel stressed when you wanted to complete a task. Every human undergoes stress at some point of time especially when you have to handle more than that you believed you could do. Stress happens because of mere realization of your potential. Stress kindles your potential or it can destroy you it’s up to every individual to use it in a right way. Stress can be used to complete your work faster and make help you even to do  smart work  and complete your task on time or if you think you cannot do it then stress will never allow you to think and makes you quit. 

Stress management helps you to be yourself and work with ease in spite of all your hectic work or personal pressure. Stress management programs are conducted in each and every field to yield better performance at work and also those programs help to tackle life’s most difficult situations. Know what stress you the most, don’t run away from that stress you rather find out the ways to fight it back. Stress not only allows you to be a successful person it also destroys your relationship. Follow a healthy life style to be without stress, avoid caffeine and sugar, regularize exercise, avoid smoking and stop being an alcoholic. Stress management can be done by practicing four As in life,
  •   Avoid negligible stress ( learn to say NO, don’t allow the situations control you, better be away when people dominate you.,etc).
  • Alter the situation (never compromise or lend your valuable time to someone who just wanted to while away their time when you are in an urge to complete your task).
  • Adapt yourself to the thing that stress you( to be perfect sometimes makes you more stressful ,try to be an appreciator).
  • Accept things that are unchangeable (sickness or death of your loved ones are not up to us when such thing stress you accept it and try to move on).
  • Technology advancement has made man less sociable try to spend good amount of time with your loved ones. Music is one of the best ways to reduce your stress and relax your mind and soul. Listening to music just makes you feel lighter in heart and when you are stressed spend some time with kids or watch videos that are hilarious or just take a nap after your work your brain needs rest after all your busy schedules.  
“Discover your gifts follow them and you will never feel stressed”.

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